28 October 2015


views over bristol suspension bridge

As each season comes into play I happily announce my love for it, but nothing quite gives me that warm glowing feeling and fills my heart like autumn. The burnt ochres, reds and golden yellows fill the sky and pave the ground, crunching underfoot as F squeals in delight. Although this is the transition to winter, to darker filled days and low light, it does mean the excitement of Christmas will soon be setting in as well as hot spicy cider and mulled wine with friends *yay*.

At the weekend we took a walk, it's the same walk we take every year along the avenue of trees beside Clifton Down Road. I love this little stretch, I took the same stroll soon after F was born, him gazing up under the canopy of fall colours and autumn leaves. Now it's a rather more boisterous event with screeches of breaks as he zooms up and down on his bike, squeals as he runs to avoid thrown leaves and generally had fun as I gaze upon my growing boy.

playing in the autumn leavesfall waks and kids bootsplaying in fall leaves

My autumn wishlist for long walks are cosy boots, perfect for stomping through leaves and I love these stylish kids boots c/o Clarks. Even though they have a lace up front which makes him feel like a big boy, he can easily slip them on and off with the zip up sides, plus they're super comfy. I've already been coveting some of the women's boots and love these quirky Desert Boots and these slick Phenia Cresent boots.

loving this kids styleF has started choosing his own clothes when we go into stores and it's interesting to see his style start to emerge without any input from us. He chose this zip up top from H&M and looks like such a dude in this pic!

As much as I love the outdoors I've been really feeling the need to bunker down and hibernate, to be close to home with slow walks for coffee, sit round friends dining tables and share good food, cosy sofa afternoons and general cuddles with my little one. In all honestly I've lost my mojo and been feeling a little down, like baby blues without the baby. I've been taking my time to just be and get all the busy out my head, so apologies that it's been so sporadic over here. For now I'm going to carve pumpkins, drink hot coco, take long walks, watch films, listen to music, get a bit crafty and enjoy the rest of the week before I have to hand F back over to the school timetable.

In case you were interested in our style you can see what I wore here:
Yellow Coast Waterproof Jacket c/o Joules
Louche Aria Leather bag c/o Joy

And what F wore here:
Hooded Jacket - H&M
Day Hi GTX Boots c/o Clarks

For a little more autumn inspiration I've created a board full of ideas, interiors and moods reflecting the changing season. What is your favourite autumnal pastime?



  1. gorgeous photos Lori! I love Autumn so much. F looks like a real cool dude...love H&M for kids clothes

  2. Oh, the colours! What beautiful pictures and you've captured the light perfectly. F is pretty cute too (and so is your jacket and that bag!) xx

  3. Beautiful pictures I love Autumn too its so pretty. I hope you feel better soon x

  4. Autumn is my favourite time too, when it's a bright day with an orange glow from fallen leaves, and walking through the leaves on the ground - I plan to take my children for an Autumn walk at the weekend and hopefully find some conkers too. Love the yellow coat btw :-)

  5. I've been feeling a bit crappy too, I think it's the lack of sunlight, it's started to really affect me over the last few years. I do like autumn and feel excited about Xmas but I would choose a hot beach over it any day! Lovely photos :) My kids have really strong opinions on what they wear and insist of choosing their own clothes / outfits. I do love that they have made the choice but there are some things I have to compromise on Cherry with otherwise she would be dressed from head to two in sequinned cat clothes! Haha x



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