1 January 2015

HELLO 2015

Just dropping in to say a quick hello and Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful evening however you decided to celebrate and the first day of 2015 has been kind to you (and your heads).

Reflecting back on the year and re-reading this post and my hopes for 2014 I've decided to stick with choosing a word for the year rather than resolutions which are made only to be broken. So although I didn't DO as many things as I'd hoped for last year, what I did achieve was still pretty amazing for me: First solo flight, facing my fears, a finalist for two awards thanks to you lovely people, meeting some amazing people and making new friends.

The ups were equaled with the lows, but that is life, you take what you can and choose to see the positives and take the opportunities that are given to you.

So my new word for 2015?


To know myself, be kind to myself, know when to be selfless and when to be selfish. To further myself, challenge myself and trust myself. It's only when we know ourselves that we can make ourselves happy which in turn effects others. So here's to a year of self discovery and all that goes with it. 

What word would you choose for 2015?



  1. Happy New Year darling. What a great word for the year. I am along the same lines. Last year I wrote such a long list of things I wanted to do or achieve or goals and new years resolutions just fall on the side a few months in. So I love how you have focused more on one word. Beautiful. Self is a great one! I could take your advice myself for sure! Sleep might be on my list though. I stayed up way too late every night trying to build my blog bigger and work harder and harder and my health got bad and was sick for a long time. So sleep or health would probably be a great word to motivate me this year.

    1. OOh I think the word sleep should defo be on every mamas list, it's so important and we get so little! Love that you are going to be kinder to yourself and deaf hope to meet up agains soon. x

  2. I love your word for this year Lori, I could do with thinking along those lines myself. It was lovely to meet you this year, hopefully there will be a few more in 2015 too! And lots more adventures. Happy New Year! x

    1. Thanks lovely and happy new year! It was so much fun meeting you I definitely think we should share some more fun adventures this year! x

  3. Solo flight! Wow! Good choice of word and love how you wove it into so many things in that last paragraph. Mine is balance, because I have found loads of things I love and been enticed, via blogging into things I don't love as much, so this year is about balance on and offline and between the two!

    1. That's the one thing I always struggle with, the balance of offline and online so that is a great one to focus on. I think i'm going to try and be healthier too as that normally slips too. Happy new year! x

  4. You acheived lots this year. :-) Same here, the things I achieve are normally unplanned ones! Happy New Year Lori! :-) xxx

    1. Happy New year! I know I think overcoming my flight phobia was definitely a biggy! xx

  5. I love the idea of choosing a word - I'm not doing resolutions either, but making general plans; I think making resolutions is just a good way of giving yourself unnecesary pressure! I think my chosen word would be 'calm'; filling the house with calm and simple beauty, staying calm when things don't go to plan and making sure there is enough time to be calm amidst busy routines!

    1. Ooh I love the word Calm and there could definitely be more of that this end for sure. I can't wait to see what adventures you have planned for this year. x

  6. woop woop! hope you have an amazing 2015! :)

    1. Thanks lovely and a huge Happy New Year to you! x

  7. Happy New Year! My word would be "hope" I think....although it keeps changing! Lx

  8. I cannot believe a whole year has already passed!! I love your word for 2105 and I think everyone should concentrate and indulge in a bit of self time

    Laura x



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