3 December 2013

A GOOD BOOK // I Am An Artist

So many times I have followed F around, picking up his trail of destruction and not stopping to really ask why? Rather falling back on the no/don't/shouldn't/can't lines that so easily trip of most mamas tongues at one time or another. Then along came this good book and made me stop and question what exactly IS he trying to do?

I Am An Artist is a great story told from the viewpoint of a child. No they're not trying to purposefully drive you out of your mind by using the twenty seconds you've taken to go to the toilet, to get creative on the walls/doors/floors/themselves with a biro. They're just being expressive. Okay that might not be true, but the quirky and colourful illustrations tell a great tale of a child just wanting to explore his senses and use it to create magnificent art. I particularly found the ...perhaps I haven't given her more attention line funny, flipping the roles of mama and toddler on its head. F loved this read and giggled throughout, promptly taking himself off to draw on his blackboard wall – parents note this will save your walls from biro – where he busied himself with chalks.

December's Good Book posts are sponsored by Foyles Bookshop but all words and thoughts are my own. 

Linking in with the lovely Tigerlilly Quinn




  1. love this! when Wilf first drew on the wall I was secretly kind of pleased at his art haha although I guess we own our home so it's not so much of a stress..and it always washes off but I has to teach him not to in case he did it elsewhere. Love the illustrations! x

    1. It's amazing when they're expressive through art, I secretly hope that F will have inherited my creative gene ;) x



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