Happy New Year, Happy New Me?
I’m two weeks late to the party, shouting those celebratory welcomes to 2019 and presenting my goals, but sometimes it’s OK to rock up fashionably late, hell I can even go far as to say it’s my party so why not?
Anyway Happy New Year Everyone! Even though we’re a few weeks in I do wish everyone the best year they could possibly dream of, because whats a life without dreams right and you know, kindness is kinda my jam. But as the clock struck midnight and we emerged on the other side, I sat and wondered what the year would have in store for me, what resolutions would I put in place, what spring clean and good habits would I install. Like Lori v2.0, except I’m getting on a bit so actually it’s more like Lori v38.0
So it’s a Happy New Year but will it be a Happy New Me? I found 2018 was the year of being present, you might have noticed as this little corner of the Internet was mainly quiet and I dipped in and out of instagram, instead swapping the online time for cuddle time, soaking up the first year with Romi, all consumed and drunk on love. I didn’t focus on myself, and if I tried it didn’t last long. But on reflection this last year of standing still has done me wonders, it has taught me patience that I couldn't quite grasp the first time round, to be humble and just enjoy our time learning about each other. I let my body rest and didn’t worry about what I ate as long as it nourished me. As they say time flies when you’re having fun/getting on with stuff and it’s hard to believe in a few weeks my baby will turn the big one!
This blog has acted like a raft for me, something to cling to during stormy waters, a place to while away the time, taking me on wonderful crazy adventures and always teaching me new skills, like a castaway getting to grips with the ropes. Normally I set a word for the year, something to reflect upon, but this year I’m switching things up, if this space has been my raft then this year I am setting up the sail. I shall drive myself forward, compass in hand with the shore in sight. Not just on here but in all areas of life.

I am such a strong believer of the law of attraction and manifesting good stuff. Sounds a bit woo woo but throughout my life if I needed something, then within a few days or weeks I would be presented with it or an opportunity to get it. At first I just considered this to be extremely Lucky but now I understand it’s more than that.
In a nutshell you need to have a clear vision of what you want, believe that you not only want this but you whole heatedly deserve to have this, be open to opportunity and then live the best those desires and vision. If you’re interested in learning more then there is great easy breakdown here.
PLUS I have been loving Sarah Akwisombe and the Money Medium 3 Day Money Mindset Accelerator, it’s a must if you want to manifest money.
It oh so easy to say this year I’m going to be super healthy, loose the excess Christmas pounds, grow the business, go out more etc etc. But there is a reason why most New Years resolutions fail. Because a goal without a path to achieving it, is just a dream said out loud. Instead I’ve been focusing on creating SMART goals
S - Specific. What is it that I want to achieve? what is the desired end result?
M - Measurable. How can you measure the progress of achieving your goal?
A - Achievable. What steps can you take to achieve it? Break it down into smaller tasks.
R - Relevant. Is you goal relevant to you? Do you need to learn new skills to achieve it?
T - Time. Have you set a realistic deadline? Create a realistic flexible deadlines that work for you.
I’ve invested in a MiPlanner which I picked up at Papersmiths to help me get my goals organised and you can learn more about SMART goals here.
This year I am going to nourish myself and feel strong again, regain ownership of my body and mind. I’m starting slowly with exercise and good foods, sticking to a more vegetarian based diet, using short online courses to develop my parenting skills, healing any old emotional wounds and focusing my energy on good nourishing people.The grass always grow where you water it! So it’s time to let go of any drama and toxic relationships. And finally travel, because this is what makes me happy.
So these are my main techniques I’m using, plus creating as much work time around two kiddos as possible. The hustle continues!
I would love to hear if you have any intentions for the year?
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