Ever since the miscarriage, truth be told my sleep has been all over the place and I seem to be continuously sporting dark circles, bags and even a small suitcase under these eyes of mine. Imagine my horror as I approached the Chanel counter *insert me swooning over their product* in the hopes of a miracle cover up, only to be told that 'Darling Chanel can't fix this' and a circular finger motion that indicates the lady at the counter is not going near these bad boys. Oh how I laughed, then secretly had a little cry, being told by a relative stranger that you need sleep and water is the wake up call I needed to try and look after myself.
My sleeping habits tend to be completely erratic, some nights I'll fall into a restful slumber, others I'll struggle to drop off or most likely I'm tempted by the soft glow of the iPhone. Either way bedtime doesn't start until midnight or there after, and with a small boy to wake me in the early hours I'm not doing myself any favours.
So when Barker & Stonehouse asked me to trial some natural sleep remedies over a month as part of their Ultimate Sleep Guide I was all for it. I was sent a box of natural goodies to try once a week and feedback on how well it helped my nights. Each product was easy to use and it was interesting to see the difference each one. Here's a little weekly break down of my sleeping habits:
Week 1 - Relaxation CD
At first I found having music on after the lights went out a little strange, but once I focused on the soft wave sounds and let the melody wash over me it was very relaxing, and I found I was able to fall asleep very quickly. I didn't even wake when the music stopped! I would definitely say this is a great way to help those who struggle falling asleep.
Week 2 - Lavender Pillow Spray
It was interesting using a scent to help me sleep, I didn't do as well with the lavender but I think that's due to the association I have with the smell. At first I used too much and found it quite overwhelming when using it on my pillow, which meant I was struggling to get comfortable, however after I used a tiny amount and let it air off before bed, I did find it a little relaxing.
Week 3 - Cherry Juice
I was quite excited to try the cherry juice drink as I love cherries and I know the health benefits of this super food and how it supports healthy sleep. I found it very easy to use, I mean who doesn't like a fruit drink? Although I can't say it helped me fall asleep quicker, I certainly felt rested on waking, which in turn made me feel good throughout the day. I'm pretty sure this was doing some good but it didn't help me relax and switch off.
Week 4 - Hot Bath
This was probably the most effective at getting me to drop off quickly. I'm normally a shower person, using it to wake up in the morning. Using a hot bath with candles at night meant I got my body into a good night time routine and I found myself relaxing as the evening drew near. It did make me feel super sleepy and ready for bed, and I found I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Overall it was interesting to see the part each natural remedy played in having a healthy nights sleep. For me I think having a routine which allows me to switch of mentally plays an important role, plus being in bed at a reasonable time rather than my usual 1.30am habit.
I always forget how important sleep is, aiding your body and brain to reset itself for a new day and process the 24 hours just gone. It effects everything from your weight, skin, concentration levels, moods...to be honest I'm surprised I've managed to function this long without a good rest. Thankfully taking part in this campaign has really helped me see the importance in switching off and taking care of myself.
How well do you sleep? Do you think natural remedies might help you drift off?
Oh wow I could totally do with trying some of these remedies out...particularly after a rough nights sleep last night, I'm struggle to stay awake today! Hope you get some well needed rest soon...if all else fails Rimmel's Wake Me Up consealer is amazing! xx